Hennes’ Blog

Link - "Time dilation"

Link - "Instead"

Link - "All things are possible with code, but not everything is beneficial"

Link - "All the answers"

Code Prinzipien

Link - "The most important meal of the day"

Link - "Each one leads to more"


Link - "100 Tips for a Better Life"

Link - "The most important blog post"

Link - "A different urgency"

Link - "“The way we’ve always done it”"

Link - "Programming sucks"

Link - "Naval Ravikant on Happiness, Reducing Anxiety, Crypto Stablecoins, and Crypto Strategy - Tim Ferriss Show"

Link - "Maker's schedule, Manager's schedule"

Link - "Insulation from the user experience"

Link - "We write code, not documents"

Kaffee, den ich gerne trinke